Saturday, July 10, 2010

Once again, one VERY PROUD Sissy!

Yesterday during the course of our morning sessions at Convention, I received a text message (aren't these great?) from my brother Chad that he had received 1st place for his Baptismal table in a contest sponsored by Fine Woodworking Magazine! My eyes filled with tears and I cannot even explain the extent of the pride that I felt in my heart. I was in line with my new friend and down-line, Linda, and had to pull up the picture on my phone to show everyone around us! In the elevator, again, I had to share the news with my CTMH sisters (who by the way, must have thought I was crazy!) I am so very proud of Chad and his accomplishments...he is a master artist, husband and daddy and I love him so very much! For all of the personal accomplishments that I have earned the past few days, none of them have brought me more joy than that of seeing Chad receiving honors for his hard work, determination, and perseverance! What an awesome role to be his and my brother Mike's sister...a true honor! I love them both with all of my heart!

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