Saturday, June 1, 2013

Abigail's Ballet Recital

This afternoon I was very honored to witness my daughter perform in her ballet recital.  Her excitement has been building in the recent weeks and today she was absolutely beautiful!  She, and her fellow ballerinas, graced the stage fluttering like angels.  For Abigail, this was, and I quote "the very most specialist day ever" - all four of her grandparents were able to attend, as well as her Great Grandmother and her two "VERY MOST FAVORITE" teachers --her preschool teacher and her Kindergarten teacher.  As a mom, who often doubts, whether I am being the best mother that she deserves, I found myself reassured that with God's care and help, I must be doing something right--she is growing into the most amazing little girl! We witnessed this as she performed on stage and as she carried herself afterwards--she was so grateful to each of us for sharing these precious moments with her and expressed her love, adoration and thankfulness to each of us. We witnessed this again as we heard  heart warming praise from her ballet and school teachers.    I don't think there is any great complement than hearing a teacher complimenting the child that we have been blessed to nurture and care for.  I love you my darling Abigail. I am very proud of you and I am so very blessed to by your Mommy.  XXOO

Our celebration party in honor of Abigail's performance!

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